Hari Purnomo, Pratiwi Kusumowardhani, Pratiwi Kusumowardhani, Hesti Nurhayati, Hesti Nurhayati


Abstrak: Pengembangan merek Batik Tradjumas melalui media promosi below the line (BTL) bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran merek dan memperluas jangkauan pasar. Promosi BTL difokuskan pada penggunaan media cetak, seperti brosur dan katalog, serta aktivasi langsung melalui pameran, workshop, dan event sponsorship. Strategi ini juga didukung oleh kolaborasi dengan komunitas dan influencer serta penggunaan media sosial untuk memperkuat citra dan kedekatan emosional dengan konsumen. Melalui pendekatan ini, diharapkan Batik Tradjumas mampu bersaing di pasar modern tanpa meninggalkan nilai tradisionalnya. Metode yang digunakan meliputi analisis pasar dan SWOT, pengembangan strategi promosi BTL melalui media cetak, pameran, kolaborasi dengan influencer, serta evaluasi performa promosi untuk memastikan efektivitas dalam mencapai target.


Kata Kunci: Merk, Batik, Tradjumas, Promosi, Below The Line

Abstract: The development of the Batik Tradjumas brand through below the line (BTL) promotion aims to increase brand awareness and expand market reach. The BTL promotion focuses on the use of printed media, such as brochures and catalogs, as well as direct activations through exhibitions, workshops, and event sponsorships. This strategy is also supported by collaborations with communities and influencers, along with the use of social media to strengthen the brand image and emotional connection with consumers. Through this approach, Batik Tradjumas is expected to compete in the modern market without abandoning its traditional values. The methods used include market and SWOT analysis, the development of BTL promotion strategies through printed media, exhibitions, collaborations with influencers, and the evaluation of promotional performance to ensure effectiveness in achieving the target.

Keywords: Merk, Batik, Tradjumas, advancement , Below The Line

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Print-ISSN : 2986-187X | E-ISSN : 2963-9646