Berdasarkan data KEMENTERIAN KUKM tahun 2022 pelaku UMKM di Indonesia sebanyak 9,1 juta jiwa. Tahun 2023 keberadaan UMKM dapat memberikan kontribusi tehadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) sebesar 61%. Hal ini selaras dengan UMKM Binaan Unit Pengelola Kawasan Pelestarian Budaya Betawi (UPK PBB Setu Babakan). Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan pihak pengelola UMKM Setu Babakan yaitu terdapat permasalahan yang dialami para pemilik UMKM diantaranya untuk mempromosikan serta proses jual beli produk. Selama ini produk hanya dijual disekitar wilayah itu saja, belum bisa memasarkan produk dengan jangkauan yang lebih luas, masyarakat sulit mengakses informasi, dan penjualan produk belum optimal. Tujuan Pelatihan Digital Marketing ini untuk meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat terkait proses pemasaran menggunakan digital marketing. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini terdiri dari beberapa proses yaitu : pengumpulan data, pelaksanaan pelatihan digital marketing, evaluasi, penyusunan dan pelaporan hasil. Hasil dari pelatihan yaitu para pemilik UMKM dilatih dan dibimbing sampai berhasil membuat halaman FB bisnis. Selain itu juga dipandu sampai berhasil membuat konten menggunakan Canva untuk memasarkan produknya. Selama pelatihan berlangsung para peserta sangat antusias dan aktif bertanya. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner yang diisi oleh para peserta setelah melaksanakan pelatihan ini bahwa 100% mengatakan bahwa pelatihan digital marketing ini meningkatkan pemahaman para peserta, serta 100% mengatakan bahwa dari semua digital marketing yang sudah dijelaskan para peserta paling nyaman menggunakan Sosial Media (IG dan FB).
Kata Kunci: UMKM Binaan; Digital Marketing; UPK PBB Setu Babakan
Based on data from the MINISTRY OF SMEs in 2022, there are 9.1 million MSME actors in Indonesia. In 2023, the existence of MSMEs can contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 61%. This is in line with the MSMEs under the guidance of the Betawi Cultural Preservation Area Management Unit (UPK PBB Setu Babakan). Based on the results of interviews with the management of Setu Babakan MSMEs, there are problems experienced by MSME owners, including promoting and the process of buying and selling products. So far, products have only been sold around the area, they have not been able to market products with a wider reach, people have difficulty accessing information, and product sales have not been optimal. The purpose of this Digital Marketing Training is to increase public understanding regarding the marketing process using digital marketing. The implementation of this activity consists of several processes, namely: data collection, implementation of digital marketing training, evaluation, preparation and reporting of results. The results of the training are that MSME owners are trained and guided until they succeed in creating a business FB page. In addition, they are also guided until they succeed in creating content using Canva to market their products. During the training, the participants were very enthusiastic and actively asked questions. Based on the results of the questionnaire filled out by the participants after carrying out this training, 100% said that this digital marketing training increased the participants' understanding, and 100% said that of all the digital marketing that had been explained, the participants were most comfortable using Social Media (IG and FB).
Keywords: UMKM Menaan; Digital Marketing; UPK PBB Setu Babakan
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Prosiding Senpedia
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Print-ISSN : 2986-187X | E-ISSN : 2963-9646