Darwance Darwance, Dwi Haryadi, Ibrahim Ibrahim


Abstrak: Kementerian Hukum dan HAM mengatakan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap HKI tergolong rendah sehingga banyak ditemukan pelanggaran HKI. Dari fakta yang terjadi sekarang terkait HKI yang secara umum belum terlalu menjadi perhatian umum, dan ini diyakini juga terjadi di daerah-daerah, termasuk di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan, bukan hanya berdampak pada pelanggaran demi pelanggaran yang dilakukan, tetapi juga abai akan hak yang dimiliki. Pada dasarnya, pengabdian ini dilaksanakan untuk lebih mengenalkan konsep HKI kepada masyarakat secara umum, diawali dengan mengenalkannya kepada para milenial terlebih dahulu.  Oleh karenanya, serangkaian kegiatan dilakukan dengan melibatkan kedua belah pihak, dimulai dari penyamaan persepsi konsep kegiatan dengan mitra, kegiatan sosialisasi, pembuatan video edukasi kreatid oleh siswa, dan penyebarannya via youtube. Oleh sebab itu, luaran uatama kegiatan ini erbentuknya Komunitas Milenial Sadar HKI, sehingga masyarakat, terutama generasi milenial dapat memahami konsep HKI dengan mudah. Dari hasil kegiatan didapati hasil bahwa pada dasarnya milenial, utamanya siswa di SMA Negeri 2 Toboali Bangka Selatan, sebagian besar belum terlalu memahami konsep HKI. Setelah dilakukan sosialisasi dengan cara yang kreatif, mereka mulai memahami konsep HKI. Ini dirangkum dari pre dan post test yan dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah dilaksanakannya sosialisasi.


Kata Kunci: Milenial, Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, Sosialisasi Kreatif

Abstract:  The Ministry of Law and Human Rights said that public awareness of IPR is low, so many IPR violations have been found. From the facts that are happening now regarding IPR which in general have not received much public attention, and it is believed that it has also occurred in other regions, including in the South Bangka Regency, it has not only had an impact on violation after violation committed, but also neglect of the rights one has. Basically, this service is carried out to better introduce the concept of IPR to the general public, first by introducing it to millennials. Therefore, a series of activities were carried out involving both parties, starting from aligning perceptions of the concept of activities with partners, outreach activities, making creative educational videos by students, and distributing them via YouTube. Therefore, the main output of this activity is to form an Intellectual Property Aware Millennial Community, so that people, especially the millennial generation, can understand the concept of Intellectual Property Rights easily. From the results of the activity, it was found that basically millennials, mainly students at SMA Negeri 2 Toboali Bangka Selatan, most of them do not really understand the concept of IPR. After the socialization was carried out in a creative way, they began to understand the concept of IPR. This is summarized from the pre and post tests that were carried out before and after the implementation of the socialization.

Keywords: Millennials, Intellectual Property Rights, Creative Outreach

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Print-ISSN : 2986-187X | E-ISSN : 2963-9646