Zalzulifa Zalzulifa, Yuyun Khairunisa, Adriyanto Adriyanto


Abstrak: Z-Sebagai hasil karya kedaireka mandiri, web IBUPANDU bagaikan marketplaces yang masih dalam tahap ujicoba. Berbagai jenis layanan dapat diakses seperti layanan penerbitan online oleh Afiliasi Penerbit Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah dan Aisyiah (APPTIMA) dan Forum Pengembang Buku Eelektronik Indonesia (FPBEI) Sementara perusahaan mitra PT. Sriwijaya Abadi Raya berperan dalam rangka akselerasi upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui teknologi digital. Berikut jenis layanan di web IBUPANDU: Virtual EO Services, Design Services, Training Services, English Services, Digital Services, Web Services, Legal Services, Survey Potensi Wisata & Industri Kreatif, Kuliah Sambil Usaha, Jasa Tiketing, Sekolah Menulis, Sepatu B'Scout. Nikmati berbagai jasa layanan digital melalui Lembaga Inovasi Inkubator Bisnis dan Usaha (IBU) melalui Lembaga Kajian Pusat Inovasi Inkubator Bisnis dan Usaha (IBU) Bidang Wisata dan Industri Kreatif Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang.  Sebagai hasil karya kedaireka, website bagaikan marketplaces yang masih dalam tahap ujicoba. Berbagai jenis layanan dapat diakses seperti layanan penerbitan online, Virtual EO Services, Design Services, Training Services, English Services, Digital Services, Web Services, Legal Services, Layanan Survey, Jasa Tiketing, Sekolah Menulis, dan sepatu merek B'Scout. Semoga keberadaan platform IBUPANDU bisa menjadi model media jejaring, branding dan marketing kerjasama  penthahelix  akademisi, industry dan birokrasi dimana kami berkesempatan mewujudkannya secara kongkrit sebagai luaran hasil kerjasama sinergi (MOU) Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif dengan Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang.

Kata Kunci: Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah; Pemberdayaan Masyarakat; Ekonomi Kreatif, platform digital

Abstract:  Z-As a result of the work of independent shops, the IBUPANDU website is like marketplaces which are still in the testing phase. Various types of services can be accessed such as online publishing services by the Publisher Affiliation of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiah Higher Education (APPTIMA) and the Indonesian Electronic Book Development Forum (FPBEI) While the partner company PT. Sriwijaya Abadi Raya plays a role in accelerating community empowerment efforts through digital technology. The following are the types of services on the IBUPANDU website: Virtual EO Services, Design Services, Training Services, English Services, Digital Services, Web Services, Legal Services, Tourism & Creative Industry Potential Survey, College While Business, Ticketing Services, Writing School, B'Scout Shoes . Enjoy a variety of digital services through the Business and Business Incubator Innovation Institute (IBU) through the Business and Business Incubator Innovation Center (IBU) Research Center for Tourism and Creative Industries, University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang. As a result of the work of tokoreka, the website is like marketplaces which are still in the testing phase. Various types of services can be accessed such as online publishing services, Virtual EO Services, Design Services, Training Services, English Services, Digital Services, Web Services, Legal Services, Survey Services, Ticketing Services, Writing Schools, and B'Scout brand shoes. Hopefully the existence of the IBUPANDU platform can be a model for networking media, branding and marketing in partnership with academia, industry and the bureaucracy where we have the opportunity to make it concrete as an output of the synergy collaboration (MOU) between the Creative Media State Polytechnic and the Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang.

Keywords:  Micro Small Medium Enterprise, Community Empowerment, Creative Economy, Digital Platform.

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Print-ISSN : 2986-187X | E-ISSN : 2963-9646